What Women Want . . . Effort

Men often think its money, houses, cars, spiffy clothes, suave romantic gestures, more clothes, gifts, trips, visiting in-laws, a lifetime of financial security . ….

Men often think its money, houses, cars, spiffy clothes, suave romantic gestures, more clothes, gifts, trips, visiting in-laws, a lifetime of financial security . . . and more money.

I have observed my four brothers with their girlfriends, their first wives, their second wives into their senior years. My discussions with women, including those my brothers have loved, makes me almost certain about the most basic want of women. Its Effort.

Our most frustrating vision is to see our man sitting there making no effort at all. Effort can be anything from contributing to the discussion that she is having in your presence, remembering something she said in the morning and doing something about it or simply making suggestions about it later that same day all the way to moving a mountain for her.

The gambit of what to make an effort to do is as wide open as the sky, the universe and as simple as caring to contribute. Visible/ audible, obvious effort will win every time.

Use your imagination on ways to put your own style of effort into what your lady needs next. She’ll love ya for it.IMG_0805


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