The Holidays

No matter what, you will most likely be swept up in the activities around your family and friends. Or not. Why not? Have they discovered…


No matter what, you will most likely be swept up in the activities around your family and friends.

Or not.

Why not?

Have they discovered you’re not all that pleasant to be around?

Are you not where you want to be professionally or personally?

As we prepare to be loved by people we know, get a bonus at work, or reflect on success this year, keep in mind a major factor in your success is your skill level with people.

Here is a quote from Chapter Nine of THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG, David Schwartz .

  1. Learn to remember names.
  2. Be a comfortable person.
  3. Acquire the quality of being relaxed and easy-going.
  4. Don’t be egotistical.
  5. Cultivate the quality of being interesting.
  6. Study to get the “scratchy” elements out of your personality.
  7. Sincerely attempt to heal every misunderstanding . . . drain off your grievances.
  8. Practice liking people until you learn to do it genuinely.
  9. Never miss an opportunity to congratulate or express sympathy in sorrow or disappointment.
  10. Give spiritual strength to people, and they will give genuine affection to you

He goes on to say,

Friendship cant be bought. When we try, we lose in two ways:

We waste money

We create contempt.

When you take the initiative to get to know people better you create a better world right where you stand. Like, Paying it Forward, it has a ripple-effect that you can watch happen.

In public, introduce yourself to others at every possible opportunity. Be sure the other person gets your name right and be sure you pronounce the other person’s name the way he or she pronounces it. Help yourself out by writing down their name, spelled correctly and their contact information according to what they prefer, phone, email, FB, etc.

In January, drop them a note, or call the people you want to know better. You can always ask how their Holidays went.

Please recognize the fact that no one is perfect, the other person has a right to be different and don’t be a reformer. Meaning, put a little “live and let live” into your philosophy. Most people intensely dislike being told they’re wrong. You have a right to your own opinion, but sometimes its better to keep it to yourself.

Last but not least, say pleasant things to strangers. It warms both your worlds.

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