The Changes I’ve Been Going Through

Many of us hold a vision in our minds, not a visual vision, but rather a feeling based in our hearts of a love that…

Many of us hold a vision in our minds, not a visual vision, but rather a feeling based in our hearts of a love that will never fail. We wonder will it ever be fulfilled. Yes, yes it will.

How do I know? Because I know hoping and keeping the dream makes it so. There is a shift in the air, the space around us, and in the Universe at large when you refuse to let go of the dream. So, darling, keep the dream. It will make a space to be filled by the right person.

There will be wanna-be mates who turn out to be substitutes, like seconds (flawed clothing items) and knock-offs (copied from the original item).  Forgive me, my first career was as a dressmaker. But I have been a student of love my whole life.

I research love all the time. No one knows how to solve the mystery except for those folks who can honestly say and show they have been happily married for decades. One of my study groups. These folks have something in common. They are willing to change.

Its not easy, the older and seemingly wiser we get, the harder it is to let someone else be the reason we will change. My suggestion is to become child-like again. Be that inquisitive and influential kid you once were. You are older and wise enough not to get in trouble. But remember how open your heart and mind used to be. Access that beautiful child again in IMG_0211your older body and watch, wait and see what appears before you. Say yes to love when its standing right in front of you.

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