time – PASHA'S Salon https://pashacoach.com Imagine Offering Them Lasting Change! Sat, 23 Oct 2021 16:43:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://pashacoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/212-100x100.png time – PASHA'S Salon https://pashacoach.com 32 32 T i m i n g https://pashacoach.com/t-i-m-i-n-g/ https://pashacoach.com/t-i-m-i-n-g/#respond Wed, 22 Jan 2020 03:55:07 +0000 http://pashasalon.blog/?p=924 Time has a way of marching on and taking tiny bits of us along with it. I say its a tool to be used wisely. Its absolute, like a non-renewable resource, we can’t reclaim any part of the past. At best we have comforting memories or regret backing-up on Time’s energy flow.

And flow it will. We have energy to spend in the course of our day, the minutes and hours of our day(s). So many things we could have done but time got in the way, a lyric that comes to mind.

Time can be construed to move faster than it does by putting too much into the minutes and days. Over-achievers, over-thinkers, over-doers, just about the only thing that can’t be over-done is love.

Love is the one thing that needs space and time to exist. There is nothing automatic, com-mandible or wishful about it. To love is to stay-put and walk through fire to get to that paradise beach walk hand-in-hand. It requires the tool of TIME and that of SPACE, empty space, like a black sheet of paper. You say something, anything to me, then, I don’t speak allowing space for the energy to dissipate and creative thought to be. You can say you’re thinking or have nothing to say right now. Within the empty space you provide is the room for love to do its magic. Being required to answer back so quickly is stressful. SPACE will serve you in so many ways.

Time will let love grow. Your love, the love inside you right now, will let that happen.

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Conflict Resolution https://pashacoach.com/conflict-resolution/ https://pashacoach.com/conflict-resolution/#respond Sat, 02 Nov 2019 03:37:40 +0000 http://pashasalon.blog/?p=787 Holy Cow. Gee Wiz. Mama Mia. What’s the problem?

Somehow, we manage to get into conflict. We mean well. But someone inadvertently pushes our buttons and then we respond by pushing their buttons and it escalates into some sort of frenzy.

I wont patronize by saying something like, CHILL OUT. Here is where we could use a tool for getting back to peace and harmony.

As tempting as it might be to resolve things as soon as possible, it simply won’t work until both parties are calm, cool and collected. Don’t waste time and energy on the situation if emotions are red hot. Instead take a deep breath, give the other person space and resolve the conflict later.

Emotions live on until they find themselves in a higher consciousness, peaceful and content. Like a mother follows her toddler, follow your own emotions with a sweet comforting guiding wisdom that everything (and I mean everything) will reach resolution just as it is meant to be. Inside that knowing, you’ll find peace.

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