Reality – PASHA'S Salon Imagine Offering Them Lasting Change! Sat, 23 Oct 2021 16:56:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reality – PASHA'S Salon 32 32 Focusing Thoughts Fri, 01 May 2020 03:38:05 +0000 I had a casual conversation with one of my brothers today that ended up with the idea of focusing thoughts. Yesterday, I had a long-time absent friend talk with me for an hour and the subject cumminated with focusing thoughts. Here are our thoughts.

Thoughts have started the creation of everything. Everything you see and hear started with a thought. Creating in the world, being the master creators that we are meant to be, requires a step two. Step Two: Action.

Creating that which you have thought of requires action. I can accept the theory of thoughts creating reality only if it has a feet-on-the-ground definition for how it works here and now in my daily life; a practical application.

We live here on Earth, although I can’t say we respect it enough. It’s all good to relax, get-in-touch with ourselves, meditate, reach a higher level of awareness, pray, and be holy.

I want a manual. I want the way for me to have my mind with its thoughts flow through my arms and hands and off the tips of my fingers and create my life into that blissful feeling of arrival. Seeing before me the reality of my focused thoughts.

I want to feel fully alive.

When I want to bring something into my life, into my reality, I focus my thoughts. The more often I think of it, the sooner it arrives and the longer it lasts.

When it appears in reality, I embrace it, bring it all-the-way in, full of gratitude for how this process works, full of wonder and awe.

Focused thought + action = my reality. How’s your reality?


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Yucky Responsibility Sun, 25 Aug 2019 00:32:46 +0000 With soap and water I wish to wash away the heavy muck on the word, responsibility. It deserves to be wiped clean of the burden it carries.

Whether you like it or not, you are responsible. Everything you think, . . . every thought goes out into infinite space with a vibrating tag leading right back to you. Every moment of every day you send messages, good, bad and in-between. That infinite space can’t discriminate between good, bad and in-between, so it is always saying yes to every thought you have.

The thing to do is to own it. Be responsible for every feeling you have. Do this by realizing what you already know. Be with yourself here and gently come to a place of knowing the goodness you have inside.

Now be gentle with yourself. I say this because responsibility is a benefit. Once you relax into living with this truth you realize your power over your life. And then you have a power no one can touch. It’s yours to keep. This is the clean definition of responsibility I spoke of earlier.

Remember, with responsibility you are in charge.

Change your thoughts and you change your reality. Not immediately, not overnight, but in due time the longer you visit your very fine thought(s). All negatives have an opposite positive, make that switch.

Native American culture believes that everything happens in just the right way at just the right time. That’s a lot like, “Be Here Now.” And there is real magic in the practice of being in the moment, with your focused thoughts and with a universe that is constantly saying Yes.

For more on this subject watch the 18+ minute Ted Talk by Lisa Feldman Barrett entitled, “You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions. Your brain creates them.”

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