Love – PASHA'S Salon Imagine Offering Them Lasting Change! Sat, 23 Oct 2021 16:46:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Love – PASHA'S Salon 32 32 Why Do You Need Connections? Mon, 15 Feb 2021 21:08:04 +0000 A connection is a causal or logical relation or sequence, the connection between two ideas.

An emotional connection is a bond that holds partners together in a relationship. This ability is one of the most important strengths for human beings to have. Without a strong emotional connectionrelationships can easily drift apart. 

See link below: Donna Pisacano Brown

Human connection is an energy exchange between people who are paying attention to one another. It has the power to deepen the moment, inspire change and build trust.”

Do you doubt the importance of connection?

By neglecting our need to connectwe put our health at risk.

Connection to others can lower anxiety and depression, help us regulate our emotions, lead to higher self-esteem and empathy, and actually improve our immune systems. It is obvious, we all need to improve our immune systems with a pandemic.

Social isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness, fear of others, or negative self-esteem. Lack of consistent human contact can also cause conflict with the our friends. When isolated we may occasionally cause problems with family members.

The Cure for Loneliness

  • Improve your social skills. Some researchers argue that loneliness is primarily the result of a lack of the interpersonal skills required to create and maintain relationships. … I understand and I will post more about this in future posts.
  • Enhancing social support … asking for help. The truth is asking for help is a sign or strength.
  • Increasing opportunities for social interaction … reaching out. Even online, you can make heart warming connections.
  • Change negative thinking. … accentuate the positive.

Loneliness causes people to feel empty, alone, and unwanted. People who are lonely often crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people. Imagine being a college freshman. You might feel lonely despite being surrounded by roommates and other peers. As children it was easier to forgive and forget and enjoy one another’s company.

Be aware! If you know someone who seems to spend a lot of time alone, it could be a sign that they are lonely. It can happen to anyone these days. One of your colleagues working from home and living alone is likely to feel lonely. They need someone else to initiate contact. Just to say, “Hello, how are you? Let me know your thoughts.” Or something else more natural for you; you know what I mean.

Why Talk to Yourself: How It Makes You Smarter! Besides, you will appear to be using your voice activated, hands-free device.

Talking to yourself helps you to clarify your thoughts. It will help to determine what’s important and firm up any decisions you’re contemplating. But only if you speak respectfully to yourself.

What happens to your body when you’re lonely? “When you’re experiencing loneliness, your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, go up.

Cortisol can impair cognitive performance, compromise the immune system, and increase your risk for vascular problems, inflammation and heart disease.”

Before there is any real damage: Pick up your phone to call and speak with them. Use FaceTime, WhatsAp or Zoom. Say, hello, in there; straight into their hearts and minds. If you make it easy, it will be easy.

Donna Pisacano Brown, 2018. She knew this before COVID!,102632

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What You Truly Want Fri, 19 Jun 2020 17:49:11 +0000 There is a flow to your day. You may be proactive, in which case you have plans for your day; or, you may be reactive. Going with the flow, with whatever happens and reacting to it when it arrives. Both are viable. Either way, there is a flow to your day.

Those of you who tend to be proactive must often patiently wait for their idea to find the right time to live and breathe. So we, (I am proactive) must have a wider awareness of those people around us, what they are able to do and when. We need to work with them, work with time. Often time is needed for them to make it their own idea. With your ego in your pocket, you won’t care who takes the credit.

These people, those we need to work around often live in our house with us. They may be at our job, working with us. They are in town. They mean no harm. They are just not thinking the same way and so often impede our progress by default. This is one of those situations where applying love is best to do.

Stress comes to us when we don’t do something about it. So letting it go is counter-productive. The best thing to do is to take the thought of what you immediately think you’d like to do and change it by applying love to that thought. Doing this will have a softening affect and a more focused affect relative to the person you are trying to motivate.

Do you remember what Grandma used to say, “You get more with honey than you do with vinegar?” And, “Don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater?” Sure you do.

Take love, compassion, kindness and the softest way you know how to be, straight from your heart and apply it to the situation. Your heart has an infinite abundance of love.

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Why Are We Here? Wed, 06 May 2020 17:26:53 +0000 Is this the million dollar question or is it super obvious?

Some of us are constantly asking this of themselves.

Why am I here? Good question.

The answer is waiting for you, anxiously waiting for you. To find it takes little effort. Almost the opposite of effort.

Relax and have any tense areas of your body melt into the ground. Imagine a copy of your heart separating from your real heart and moving out of you, turning to face you. Feel the warmth, the all-encompassing love from it.

Before you send it out on its mission, attach a cable of communication from it to you. It belongs to you. Your cable to it is strong.

Now, wish it to fly away with the wind, out the window, and see where it goes. See your heart where it floats.

As it slows, as it starts to vibrate in space, notice what is all around it. As if you are watching a movie.

Feel the temperature and the surface textures. Hear the sounds and measure the light.

Now, who and/or what is there with you and your heart? What are you doing in that space? Does it feel even more expansive? Your cable becomes a beam of love.

Try this, it could calm you beyond anything you have known.

This is why we are here, to experience love.

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Dinner and the Power of Choice Sun, 16 Feb 2020 21:01:41 +0000 Right or wrong, it has something to teach us.

We also feel our history, our personal history, often and in many ways.

Growing up had two chapters. The first chapter was abundant. Dad was a successful lawyer in his own practice. We had a five bedroom, three story brick house on two lots in Allen Park, MI. We had everything, very often new clothes, lots of food, dinners out, and many vacations. Year by year, time went on . . . then, life changed.

I was awake at night to hear Dad’s abuse of Mom. His deep booming voice minimizing her natural goddessness. And then a thump and a quiet sobbing. Shocked and deeply sad, I had a decision to make. As a 12yr old child, did I allow this intel to minimize me, after all, this was my mother and father!  Or did I wait, use time to see how it turned out, keeping my thoughts to myself.   I chose the latter, like most 12yr olds in the 1960s.

Mom and Dad were divorced in less than a year. We moved from that house, plenty big for eight, into a house too small for the six of us. Now we had one pair of sneakers, one pair of boots, minimally just what we needed. Consequently we had to keep our clothes clean and ready to wear again, day after day.

The most profound change was with dinner. Pre-divorce we were required to be on-time, face and hands washed and seated at 6pm. We heard a passage from the Bible and learned a new word weekly from the dictionary. Dad would quiz us through the week to correctly pronounce, spell and recite the weekly word. We had to share what happened to us and how we felt about it. And we had to be excused before we left the table.

Post-divorce dinners only happened when someone complained they were starting to get hungry. Hand washing was only when my sister and I thought our younger brothers’ hands were “too gross.” What was served was often over- cooked from a slow-cooker Mom started before she went to work. Or it was something I could devise from little bits of left-overs and flavors hidden deep in the fridge and cupboards. Again, I chose to experience this as early training for my future career as a fine dining chef or as “the gourmet chef” in our big Italian family. What happened that day and our feelings about it were now left unsaid at dinner, to built up stress. Instead, we would talked it out in private one-on-one. Sometimes the tension got very heated, depths-of-our-soul types of emotions.

Pre-divorce and post-divorce both had positive and negative aspects and life lessons. Far beyond simply being fed, communal dinners nourish in a total feeling way. It does this in many forms, often indescribable. As long as people have face-to-face contact, and especially if they’re tightly linked by an emotional bond.

It’s a tradition worthy of preserving, resurrecting, or creating new, now.

Start from where you are.

From my heart, let me express to you how much choice you have every way, everyday. As a kid, and still today, I use my imagination to keep growing, keep flowing along. Very little needs to be ingested, it’s up to you. 

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T i m i n g Wed, 22 Jan 2020 03:55:07 +0000 Time has a way of marching on and taking tiny bits of us along with it. I say its a tool to be used wisely. Its absolute, like a non-renewable resource, we can’t reclaim any part of the past. At best we have comforting memories or regret backing-up on Time’s energy flow.

And flow it will. We have energy to spend in the course of our day, the minutes and hours of our day(s). So many things we could have done but time got in the way, a lyric that comes to mind.

Time can be construed to move faster than it does by putting too much into the minutes and days. Over-achievers, over-thinkers, over-doers, just about the only thing that can’t be over-done is love.

Love is the one thing that needs space and time to exist. There is nothing automatic, com-mandible or wishful about it. To love is to stay-put and walk through fire to get to that paradise beach walk hand-in-hand. It requires the tool of TIME and that of SPACE, empty space, like a black sheet of paper. You say something, anything to me, then, I don’t speak allowing space for the energy to dissipate and creative thought to be. You can say you’re thinking or have nothing to say right now. Within the empty space you provide is the room for love to do its magic. Being required to answer back so quickly is stressful. SPACE will serve you in so many ways.

Time will let love grow. Your love, the love inside you right now, will let that happen.

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Only Value WHAT? Fri, 18 Oct 2019 17:08:38 +0000 In a world of ordinary people living ordinary lives there are some people who have found gold. They appear the same as the rest of us except for one important difference. They value love above all other things.

Love is often unnoticed. Invisible, it has a bad reputation for being fickle. When people are not valued, when they lose at love, the real lovers among us often coach themselves to “take-it-in-stride.” They courageously struggle and strive to keep their hearts open believing love will find a way. It always finds a way.

When two people try to love one another, its marvelous as long as they can forget about who they are. Forget about taking a position, taking a stand in comparison to _____________(you fill-in the blank). People do throw up blocks to it. Love doesn’t need you to know who you are. It needs you to feel. It needs you to want to be loved.

It’s not a commodity. It cannot be measured, its priceless having a whole lot to do with your personal growth.  It tends not to be viewed as valuable when it comes in the form of a clean house, care for children, care for pets, clean clothes, a beautiful garden, a balanced home budget and a home-cooked meal. Why is this the case? And what about a fresh attitude for: 

“so glad you’re home . . .  with a hug and kiss.”

When a person takes on the lover/caretaker roll full-time or part-time, why are these tasks not considered a valuable part of life?

Around the world, caretakers often feel undervalued.  Not gender-specific they graciously carry gauntlets accepting the time and effort and considerable personal sacrifice it takes to create a loving home. They are intelligent caring people. They could be doing a lot of other things with their life. You know, time is a non-renewable resource. 

The lucky one’s are the recipients of the care given by their lover/caretakers. They’re lucky to  know they have gold waiting for them at home. They know their home is full of love and they treasure the source of that love. The source is that beautiful person who keeps it going on day after day. 

Now that’s putting value in the right place.

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