Inner Feelings – PASHA'S Salon Imagine Offering Them Lasting Change! Sat, 02 Jul 2022 08:32:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Inner Feelings – PASHA'S Salon 32 32 Dreams Turn Into Reality Thu, 29 Jul 2021 21:35:11 +0000 I have lived for 6 decades. In that time I have had day dreams or visions of situations in life that were very different from present day reality.  I dismissed these day dreams as part of my overly creative and active imagination. The rub:  these day dream scenarios are systematically becoming true reality. I am being blown-away about this. Let me give you two potent examples.

I imagined Buffalo roaming free as they did before America was discovered. When the indigenous people where in balance with Mother Earth. In 1970, this was an illustion.

Today I read in my magazine, the National Wildlife Federation, that “in late 2020, ownership and management of the National Bison Range, in Montana, finally passed from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) to the land’s original caretakers.”

“For tribal members the snow feels a bit warmer, and the hills, covered by clusters of evergreens, seem more poetic . . . it has been a long journey, but the Indian people, who say they are one and the same with the bison, are back caring for the land and its animals.”

Another example:

When I was getting my degree at Michigan State University I was focused on art and textiles of native, indigenous peoples, particularly in Africa and Japan. Industrialization has all but buried the arts and crafts of many ethnic groups. I have dreamed of their resurrection.

Several days ago I heard this recorded program on WEMU out of Eastern Michigan University. The show is Creative Impact with Deb Polich. This particular show was Discovering The Ancient Art And Craft of Oman Becomes a Lifetime Passion. 

It become a lifetime passion for Marcia Stegath Dorr, a UofM Grad and an example to us all.  A fire was lit when she saw the natives high level of art/craft being exploited by merchants buying them for a dime and selling them for $10.  The short version of Marchia’s journey first took her to the United Nations in 1990. Then to the Consultant to Omani-American Joint Commission, on up to developing an artisans’ marketing organization in Oman, onto the Advisor of Oman Ministry of Tourism: Dicertorate of Historical Sites Development, then in 2018 to the British Museum/Royal Ontario Museum/Oman National Museum Project. Most recently an producer in Paris, France as stepped forward to make a film to go with the museum’s presentation.

When you find your passion, hold onto it, follow it to its end. It will take to your ability to heal a wrong. The goodness and love in these two stories has me humbled out.

Let me know your thoughts.

National Wildlife, August-September Issue, p. 22-27. NWF.ORG/NW

Creative Impact, WEMU, David Fair and Deb Polich 07/27/21


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Feelings Fri, 22 Jan 2021 22:23:44 +0000 How nice it is to be here right now where we can finally talk out loud about feelings.

Once we stop the nagging voices in our heads, naughing away our sense of self-worth we find space to be with ourselves.

Are your next thoughts, kind? If they are unkind, this negativity can easily grow into a victim mindset – loss of hope, feelings of despair, and no sense of worth.

When we reach for worth outside of ourselves we inevitably face disappointment because all the good stuff is inside of us.

When I lived alone far from home out in California I imagined I had a BFF at my side, whenever I needed her. That worked so well that I took on another imaginary friend, this time a lover. I no longer felt alone.

Life is fluid even though it appears to be full of all things solid. Actually, science has proven that matter is made out of moving particles, we call atoms. These particles are moving and from my perspective they have a fluid movement to them.

I feel out-of-sync when I am out of this energy flow. The key to it is, to not try to be in the flow, but instead to move in the direction of your dreams day-by-day. Sooner or later the flow is felt. You’ll know it by how you feel.

I feel lighter, on the verge of laughing, a joy that no one need take away without my permission. I love it.

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Nothing To Do With Me Wed, 05 Aug 2020 20:56:38 +0000 Pressure from other drivers






Time-wasting People


These have nothing to do with how you think. They don’t determine how you act.

Like all things that challenge us, they only have the significance you give them. They are dismissive whenever you choose, just like last year’s problems.

They grow on your fear.

They wither and die when you place your focus on something else. Turn away and affirm what you do want in that moment and the irritation is gone! As soon as you wish it so. You are the master, you have the power.

They may be part of bigger problems so many people are voicing now, and have been voicing for a long time; wanting to end the suffering. This is the humanitarian and political side of issues.

I speak of the personal YOU in this moment. The you who would prefer to relax, be free and loving. The you in your heart who wants to care.

This is inside work.

Get help if your irritation is big enough to feel out of your control. Help is everywhere, and in many forms. Be honest with yourself and with those you reach out to and the help will be there. Just remember: Nothing good is easy.

I’m not a therapist. Most people don’t need to be psycho-analyzed, certainly not by me.

They need connection, empathy, a sounding board, friendship.

My qualifications come from a lifetime of staying free by being aware of entrapments, like those listed above. I use may imagination in the moment to create the feeling I prefer to have soon after I feel pressured. Through use of my senses, at any moment, I can change whatever is happening by changing my thoughts, my perspective.

I practiced over time to get good at it and have it be as effective as picking up any hand tool. No one person taught this to me. I was pointed in a direction by my own intuition. As I walked an unconventional path, I let my awareness take-in increasingly more data. I used my imagination to stay free from stress and kept busy by using my creativity every day. Allowing these things to work for me got me the outcome I desired. Inside this bubble is happiness.

Yes, I deserve it. And you desire it. In the end, your relationship with yourself will be all that matters. While you are here realize happiness as your birthright. 

For a free Discovery Call with me go to:



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Focusing Thoughts Fri, 01 May 2020 03:38:05 +0000 I had a casual conversation with one of my brothers today that ended up with the idea of focusing thoughts. Yesterday, I had a long-time absent friend talk with me for an hour and the subject cumminated with focusing thoughts. Here are our thoughts.

Thoughts have started the creation of everything. Everything you see and hear started with a thought. Creating in the world, being the master creators that we are meant to be, requires a step two. Step Two: Action.

Creating that which you have thought of requires action. I can accept the theory of thoughts creating reality only if it has a feet-on-the-ground definition for how it works here and now in my daily life; a practical application.

We live here on Earth, although I can’t say we respect it enough. It’s all good to relax, get-in-touch with ourselves, meditate, reach a higher level of awareness, pray, and be holy.

I want a manual. I want the way for me to have my mind with its thoughts flow through my arms and hands and off the tips of my fingers and create my life into that blissful feeling of arrival. Seeing before me the reality of my focused thoughts.

I want to feel fully alive.

When I want to bring something into my life, into my reality, I focus my thoughts. The more often I think of it, the sooner it arrives and the longer it lasts.

When it appears in reality, I embrace it, bring it all-the-way in, full of gratitude for how this process works, full of wonder and awe.

Focused thought + action = my reality. How’s your reality?


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True Freedom Thu, 24 Oct 2019 21:13:21 +0000 I dare say, freedom comes from inside your mind.

It can mean sensitivity to the air, the atmosphere, to the light indoors and out, to color and design right in front of your face. Ooya.

If you are analytical, it means to stop the inner dialog of judgement, categorization and classification. We do not need to measure up.

If there is a need to explain your thoughts and feelings to others, and you don’t feel like getting into it, one or two words, a simple explanation will be fine. Since it is nearly impossible for them to fully understand, we may as well give-up on being understood to that degree and enjoy that freedom.

True Freedom is many things.

It is an inner dialog which works as a shield between what you are seeing and hearing in the outer world. Only you can know what it means to you in your inner world.

It means not needing to feel guilty when people are blaming you. Because they are not recognizing and owning their own feelings, they push the responsibility for their feeling onto you in the form of blame. They are reaching out to you because you are part of their circle, their circle of love. Keep that in mind.

Freedom means not being sure you fit into what society says you should be . . . be doing.

It means finding a path, not necessarily of least resistance, not laid out by anyone else.

It means being alert and aware of messages coming to you to move in a certain direction. And not being invested in where that direction is leading, because it may not follow a logical path. Trusting yourself.

It means remembering the child-like wonder you had as a child, before you were asked to conform. The feeling that flushes your face, creates excitement, and prompts you to straighten your spine and take a big deep breath.

It’s you cruising on a Sunday afternoon and feelin’ good.

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