History – PASHA'S Salon https://pashacoach.com Imagine Offering Them Lasting Change! Sat, 02 Jul 2022 08:26:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://pashacoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/212-100x100.png History – PASHA'S Salon https://pashacoach.com 32 32 Brains https://pashacoach.com/brains/ https://pashacoach.com/brains/#respond Sat, 26 Jun 2021 00:34:34 +0000 https://pashasalon.wordpress.com/?p=1316 Your brain is involved in everything you do and everything you are, including how you think, how you feel, how you act, and how well you get along with other people. Your brain is the organ behind your intelligence, character, personality, and every single decision you make.

Because of these facts, I have realized I cannot ask someone to find their inner peace with so many brain challenges in the way. This is why I joined The Brain Revolution with Dr. Daniel Amen and Dr. Joseph McClendon. They are well known.

After a good chunk of money and even more valuable time spent, devoted to learning and with on-going tutorials four nights a week. I am now certified by these two doctors, to spread their research around the globe. My coaching sessions now include the value of their life’s work. A fortune lies inside my offerings, now forming a full circle.

This is not a new idea. Around the year 400BC, Hippocrates wrote, “And men ought to know that from the brain, and from the brain only, arise our pleasures, joy, laughter, and jests, as well as our sorrows, pains, despondency, and tears . . . I am of the opinion that the brain exercises the greatest power over man.”

It is your brain that manages your money and helps you succeed at work. And it is your brain that pushes you away from the table, telling you that you have had enough (or that gives you permission to have the third bowl of ice cream). Yes, most people never really think about their brains, which is a huge mistake, because success in anything you do starts with a healthy brain.

In Brain Fit for Work and Life I teach how to create a brain-smart life with

(8) very simple concepts.

  1. Fundamentals of Success: Start with the Brain
  2. Drive Change: By knowing How Your Brain Functions
  3. Balancing Work and Home: Four Circles of Brain Health
  4. Motivation, Creativity, and Innovation: How to Ignite them in the Brain and the Workplace
  5. Lead by Example: Planting Brain Healthy Habits at Work and Life
  6. Overcome Negativity: Kill the ANTs (automatic negative thoughts)
  7. Fuel High-Performance: Nutrition, Supplements, and Gut Health
  8. Protect Your Future: Brain Optimization for a Lifetime.

You can use these concepts to improve your life and the lives of the people you serve.

Visit my website for more information or move ahead now with a coaching call.





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Wild and Free https://pashacoach.com/wild-and-free/ https://pashacoach.com/wild-and-free/#respond Sun, 09 May 2021 19:26:25 +0000 https://pashasalon.wordpress.com/?p=1280 Who wouldn’t like to be wild and free, if just for a moment’s pleasure?

It is believed, the newest frontier is the freedom within our minds. Consciousness has been explored since we got free from being chased by wild animals, dating back to the Early Pleistocene, consistent with the emergence of Homo erectus, about 1.7 million years ago, according to many of scientific historians.

To be aware, you may have realized four states of consciousness – as awake, dream-filled sleepdeep sleep, and beyond deep sleep.

Reference: Philosopher Walter KaufmannThe Origins and History of Consciousness.

In 1949, Erich Neumann in The Origins and History of Consciousness did a good job of outlining the archetypal stages in the development of consciousness. He was a psychologist and philosopher.

If objective evidence of self-awareness can be taken as evidence for consciousness, then consciousness as it occurs in the primate with their more fully developed cortex may have evolved ~5 million years ago, at or around the time when great apes split off from the lesser apes.

We have had lots of time. I suspect we know more than we admit.


Selfawareness is defined as being aware of oneself, including one’s traits, feelings, and behaviors. Neuroscientists have believed that three brain regions are critical for selfawareness: the insular cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex.

To become more selfaware, we should develop an understanding of ourselves in many areas, like your personality traits, your personal values, habits, emotions, and the psychological needs that drive your behaviors. Don’t worry, it’s not a homework assignment. You have all the time you need to become self-aware.

Scientists differ on the difference between consciousness and selfawareness, but here is one common explanation: 

Consciousness is awareness of one’s body and one’s environment.

Self-awareness is recognition of that consciousness—not only understanding that your consciousness exists, but further understanding that you are aware of your thoughts as well as your actions.

Why? Because there are benefits! Here are some bennies, but not all the bennies. There are ongoing ascending levels to being aware of your body and your environment.

  • Identifying your emotions​
  • The ability to have accurate self-perception​
  • Being proactive about your safety
  • Possessing strong self-confidence​
  • Possessing self-efficacy​​
  • Having better health
  • Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses 
  • Identifying what you need to do to complete a task
  • Recognizing errors in schoolwork and make edits or changes
  • Having the ability to understand and talk about feelings
  • Recognizing other people’s needs and feelings
  • Seeing how your behavior affects others
  • It prepares you for the “Real World”
  • Leadership roles
  • Social work
  • Counseling
  • Education
  • Nursing
  • Entrepreneurship

As long as you live, you can venture to become more and more self-aware.

It is all there is to do.

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