Healthy Living – PASHA'S Salon Imagine Offering Them Lasting Change! Fri, 22 Oct 2021 18:08:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthy Living – PASHA'S Salon 32 32 Wild and Free Sun, 09 May 2021 19:26:25 +0000 Who wouldn’t like to be wild and free, if just for a moment’s pleasure?

It is believed, the newest frontier is the freedom within our minds. Consciousness has been explored since we got free from being chased by wild animals, dating back to the Early Pleistocene, consistent with the emergence of Homo erectus, about 1.7 million years ago, according to many of scientific historians.

To be aware, you may have realized four states of consciousness – as awake, dream-filled sleepdeep sleep, and beyond deep sleep.

Reference: Philosopher Walter KaufmannThe Origins and History of Consciousness.

In 1949, Erich Neumann in The Origins and History of Consciousness did a good job of outlining the archetypal stages in the development of consciousness. He was a psychologist and philosopher.

If objective evidence of self-awareness can be taken as evidence for consciousness, then consciousness as it occurs in the primate with their more fully developed cortex may have evolved ~5 million years ago, at or around the time when great apes split off from the lesser apes.

We have had lots of time. I suspect we know more than we admit.


Selfawareness is defined as being aware of oneself, including one’s traits, feelings, and behaviors. Neuroscientists have believed that three brain regions are critical for selfawareness: the insular cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex.

To become more selfaware, we should develop an understanding of ourselves in many areas, like your personality traits, your personal values, habits, emotions, and the psychological needs that drive your behaviors. Don’t worry, it’s not a homework assignment. You have all the time you need to become self-aware.

Scientists differ on the difference between consciousness and selfawareness, but here is one common explanation: 

Consciousness is awareness of one’s body and one’s environment.

Self-awareness is recognition of that consciousness—not only understanding that your consciousness exists, but further understanding that you are aware of your thoughts as well as your actions.

Why? Because there are benefits! Here are some bennies, but not all the bennies. There are ongoing ascending levels to being aware of your body and your environment.

  • Identifying your emotions​
  • The ability to have accurate self-perception​
  • Being proactive about your safety
  • Possessing strong self-confidence​
  • Possessing self-efficacy​​
  • Having better health
  • Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses 
  • Identifying what you need to do to complete a task
  • Recognizing errors in schoolwork and make edits or changes
  • Having the ability to understand and talk about feelings
  • Recognizing other people’s needs and feelings
  • Seeing how your behavior affects others
  • It prepares you for the “Real World”
  • Leadership roles
  • Social work
  • Counseling
  • Education
  • Nursing
  • Entrepreneurship

As long as you live, you can venture to become more and more self-aware.

It is all there is to do.

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Why Do You Need Connections? Mon, 15 Feb 2021 21:08:04 +0000 A connection is a causal or logical relation or sequence, the connection between two ideas.

An emotional connection is a bond that holds partners together in a relationship. This ability is one of the most important strengths for human beings to have. Without a strong emotional connectionrelationships can easily drift apart. 

See link below: Donna Pisacano Brown

Human connection is an energy exchange between people who are paying attention to one another. It has the power to deepen the moment, inspire change and build trust.”

Do you doubt the importance of connection?

By neglecting our need to connectwe put our health at risk.

Connection to others can lower anxiety and depression, help us regulate our emotions, lead to higher self-esteem and empathy, and actually improve our immune systems. It is obvious, we all need to improve our immune systems with a pandemic.

Social isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness, fear of others, or negative self-esteem. Lack of consistent human contact can also cause conflict with the our friends. When isolated we may occasionally cause problems with family members.

The Cure for Loneliness

  • Improve your social skills. Some researchers argue that loneliness is primarily the result of a lack of the interpersonal skills required to create and maintain relationships. … I understand and I will post more about this in future posts.
  • Enhancing social support … asking for help. The truth is asking for help is a sign or strength.
  • Increasing opportunities for social interaction … reaching out. Even online, you can make heart warming connections.
  • Change negative thinking. … accentuate the positive.

Loneliness causes people to feel empty, alone, and unwanted. People who are lonely often crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people. Imagine being a college freshman. You might feel lonely despite being surrounded by roommates and other peers. As children it was easier to forgive and forget and enjoy one another’s company.

Be aware! If you know someone who seems to spend a lot of time alone, it could be a sign that they are lonely. It can happen to anyone these days. One of your colleagues working from home and living alone is likely to feel lonely. They need someone else to initiate contact. Just to say, “Hello, how are you? Let me know your thoughts.” Or something else more natural for you; you know what I mean.

Why Talk to Yourself: How It Makes You Smarter! Besides, you will appear to be using your voice activated, hands-free device.

Talking to yourself helps you to clarify your thoughts. It will help to determine what’s important and firm up any decisions you’re contemplating. But only if you speak respectfully to yourself.

What happens to your body when you’re lonely? “When you’re experiencing loneliness, your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, go up.

Cortisol can impair cognitive performance, compromise the immune system, and increase your risk for vascular problems, inflammation and heart disease.”

Before there is any real damage: Pick up your phone to call and speak with them. Use FaceTime, WhatsAp or Zoom. Say, hello, in there; straight into their hearts and minds. If you make it easy, it will be easy.

Donna Pisacano Brown, 2018. She knew this before COVID!,102632

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