Energy – PASHA'S Salon Imagine Offering Them Lasting Change! Fri, 22 Oct 2021 19:09:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Energy – PASHA'S Salon 32 32 Feelings Fri, 22 Jan 2021 22:23:44 +0000 How nice it is to be here right now where we can finally talk out loud about feelings.

Once we stop the nagging voices in our heads, naughing away our sense of self-worth we find space to be with ourselves.

Are your next thoughts, kind? If they are unkind, this negativity can easily grow into a victim mindset – loss of hope, feelings of despair, and no sense of worth.

When we reach for worth outside of ourselves we inevitably face disappointment because all the good stuff is inside of us.

When I lived alone far from home out in California I imagined I had a BFF at my side, whenever I needed her. That worked so well that I took on another imaginary friend, this time a lover. I no longer felt alone.

Life is fluid even though it appears to be full of all things solid. Actually, science has proven that matter is made out of moving particles, we call atoms. These particles are moving and from my perspective they have a fluid movement to them.

I feel out-of-sync when I am out of this energy flow. The key to it is, to not try to be in the flow, but instead to move in the direction of your dreams day-by-day. Sooner or later the flow is felt. You’ll know it by how you feel.

I feel lighter, on the verge of laughing, a joy that no one need take away without my permission. I love it.

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T i m i n g Wed, 22 Jan 2020 03:55:07 +0000 Time has a way of marching on and taking tiny bits of us along with it. I say its a tool to be used wisely. Its absolute, like a non-renewable resource, we can’t reclaim any part of the past. At best we have comforting memories or regret backing-up on Time’s energy flow.

And flow it will. We have energy to spend in the course of our day, the minutes and hours of our day(s). So many things we could have done but time got in the way, a lyric that comes to mind.

Time can be construed to move faster than it does by putting too much into the minutes and days. Over-achievers, over-thinkers, over-doers, just about the only thing that can’t be over-done is love.

Love is the one thing that needs space and time to exist. There is nothing automatic, com-mandible or wishful about it. To love is to stay-put and walk through fire to get to that paradise beach walk hand-in-hand. It requires the tool of TIME and that of SPACE, empty space, like a black sheet of paper. You say something, anything to me, then, I don’t speak allowing space for the energy to dissipate and creative thought to be. You can say you’re thinking or have nothing to say right now. Within the empty space you provide is the room for love to do its magic. Being required to answer back so quickly is stressful. SPACE will serve you in so many ways.

Time will let love grow. Your love, the love inside you right now, will let that happen.

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