Creativity – PASHA'S Salon Imagine Offering Them Lasting Change! Sat, 23 Oct 2021 16:53:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Creativity – PASHA'S Salon 32 32 Dreams Turn Into Reality Thu, 29 Jul 2021 21:35:11 +0000 I have lived for 6 decades. In that time I have had day dreams or visions of situations in life that were very different from present day reality.  I dismissed these day dreams as part of my overly creative and active imagination. The rub:  these day dream scenarios are systematically becoming true reality. I am being blown-away about this. Let me give you two potent examples.

I imagined Buffalo roaming free as they did before America was discovered. When the indigenous people where in balance with Mother Earth. In 1970, this was an illustion.

Today I read in my magazine, the National Wildlife Federation, that “in late 2020, ownership and management of the National Bison Range, in Montana, finally passed from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) to the land’s original caretakers.”

“For tribal members the snow feels a bit warmer, and the hills, covered by clusters of evergreens, seem more poetic . . . it has been a long journey, but the Indian people, who say they are one and the same with the bison, are back caring for the land and its animals.”

Another example:

When I was getting my degree at Michigan State University I was focused on art and textiles of native, indigenous peoples, particularly in Africa and Japan. Industrialization has all but buried the arts and crafts of many ethnic groups. I have dreamed of their resurrection.

Several days ago I heard this recorded program on WEMU out of Eastern Michigan University. The show is Creative Impact with Deb Polich. This particular show was Discovering The Ancient Art And Craft of Oman Becomes a Lifetime Passion. 

It become a lifetime passion for Marcia Stegath Dorr, a UofM Grad and an example to us all.  A fire was lit when she saw the natives high level of art/craft being exploited by merchants buying them for a dime and selling them for $10.  The short version of Marchia’s journey first took her to the United Nations in 1990. Then to the Consultant to Omani-American Joint Commission, on up to developing an artisans’ marketing organization in Oman, onto the Advisor of Oman Ministry of Tourism: Dicertorate of Historical Sites Development, then in 2018 to the British Museum/Royal Ontario Museum/Oman National Museum Project. Most recently an producer in Paris, France as stepped forward to make a film to go with the museum’s presentation.

When you find your passion, hold onto it, follow it to its end. It will take to your ability to heal a wrong. The goodness and love in these two stories has me humbled out.

Let me know your thoughts.

National Wildlife, August-September Issue, p. 22-27. NWF.ORG/NW

Creative Impact, WEMU, David Fair and Deb Polich 07/27/21


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What’s in Your Secret Sauce? Wed, 03 Jun 2020 21:05:02 +0000 The greatest compliment you can receive isn’t “great work!” or “that’s perfect!” It’s this: “How in the world did you do that?”

You are memorable when you use your creativity. Your imagination will get your creativity moving . . . love your imagination; be patient, give it rewards. Allow your imagination to feel real good so it will move, travel, flow and even soar beyond what you have ever imagined before now.

Grab ahold of your courage. You know you have it. Take that incredible imagined thing of yours and put it into action. Write, sing, move, build, figure out, or put together your idea. Show how it relates to the past. You will need to explain its use as a useful thing. Our world, full of people, is waiting for your offering.

Wow them with just your ideas. Be willing to execute by following their suggestions. Take it all the way to its end. Dont’s stop. Don’t talk yourself out of it. You already have everything it takes. It will lead you to places others can’t imagine. Why? Because they are NOT you. You have something that no one else has? Find out what it is.

Professors, professionals, bosses, peers want your secret sauce. You may not know what it is yet, but, I happen to know they want it and you have it. Our world needs it. It is possible you will feel validated by expressing it.

Over time, I wish for you the same grand compliment I received when I announced I was closing my 38 year long creative professional sewing business. “You can’t close, no one does what you do!” I was humbled by it, grateful to have had that effect on people.

Michigan’s Mom Sewing Services is closed but its focused energy moved into a vintage clothing shop on Etsy.

I could not stop it from moving further forward. At you will see I am still doing Make-Overs with wardrobe consulting in custom packages.

And now, its blossomed into

I am humbled this and amazed at how far it has gone.

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Social Distancing Sat, 04 Apr 2020 21:00:16 +0000 We have a new thing! Social Distancing, isn’t it grand. Sorry to be sarcastic. It’s the pits.

Anthropologist Edward T. Hall , explained about social distance back when being in-person, within breathing space, was not such a big deal. He developed this chart for where to stand to”be in-someone’s space.”

He describes, Public Space as someone being beyond 4ft from you. Social Space being as close as 1.5 feet away up to 4 feet out. Closer than 1.5 feet is being in your Personal Space and closer that that as your Intimate Space.

It makes sense. especially now when your distance away from another person in stores, the post office, the bank is so critical. Dr. Hall developed this chart after making world-wide studies of social behavior.

Yes, you guessed right. Even Dr. Hall admits his research has been extended by technological advances such as the telephone, walkie talkie, and television, among others. Hall’s analysis of social distance came before the development of the internet, which has expanded social distance exponentially. I believe we have gone full circle, no pun intended.

The Coronavirus has brought our attention back to how we act in public. We were so used to shuffling along, squeezing in-between one another to get to the front. Loving the crowd at concerts, political events, our kids school performances. I think I’m gonna cry.

When I went to the grocery store early this morning, when it opened , since that is when the store is the most clean; I saw so many sad or stressed-out faces. We hear and gotta get it through our heads that we are in this together. We must put-on our thinking caps to create what we want for a new social structure. Fear just doesn’t work for me. How about you?

I love people. I’m one of those people who needs people. I’m praying this virus gets under control as soon as possible, saving lives and giving me permission to stand closer and even hug.

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After The Shock Tue, 17 Mar 2020 16:32:18 +0000 Soon we will adjust to the shock of being sequestered on a grand scale. Notice your nerves start to calm. This is a good time to use your imagination and creativity for peace-of-mind. You do not have to give up! You can make something out of this that will be helpful to you. You can establish a whole new way of relating to one another.

Focus on your relationships, even though the physical element is not allowed. Talk a lot online, by phone and text so when the restrictions are lifted, our sense-of-self and the quality of our relationships have risen to a higher level. Right now, when you can safely meet, do it outdoors and do not touch. Laugh, smile, talk and dance in your home even if you are by yourself. Get yourself out-of-doors and relate to the element that resonates with you. The simple elements are air, wood, water, fire, metal. Breathe deep and fully.

Talk about the coronavirus with friends and family until it’s talked through. Don’t argue with the restrictions, they are designed to reduce the spread of the virus. Use common sense and good hygiene. Be there for one another. In this case it’s most important to honor the other person’s principles and maintain your own principles. In other words, stick to your agency and honor the agency of your family and friends.

In a few months the Coronavirus will be more understandable. Even though it’s a time-laden process, it is temporary in the larger scheme of things. This is unique time, where we need to communicate our desires, wants and needs clearly in everyday moments. Be one of those people who makes such a good impact on people’s lives, they are calmed and centered by you and can barely remember life before this time.


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Yielding the Sword Mon, 02 Mar 2020 19:25:01 +0000 It cuts right through everything possible. The wide and wonderful field of what has yet to happen just moments ahead, gets stopped in mid-air. It feels like a brick wall. It’s not fair or equitable. it’s the phase, “That will never happen.”

Dearest, let me enlighten this scenario. Nothing is never. Saying that something will never happen is irrelevant. As sure as the grass grows, change is constantly present.

Don’t ask why people say, “It will never happen.” Asking why, messes with your true nature. “It will never happen,” comes from a scarcity mindset . (scar-city).

It is better to ask What? What can you do, what is going on here, what is possible.

Never has a co-conspirator by the name of Always. You may hear, “It’s always that way; or, “They are always going to do that.” Same scenario. Nothing is Always, just as nothing is Never. When you enter the field of possibilities, what is possible is just around the corner. Your idea gains momentum with focus and attention. In other words, when you focus on a thought and pay attention to your surroundings you give your idea momentum (energy and increasing power) to be.


Remember: UCREATEveryday. When you see your idea become reality, see it flashing across your awareness, . . . say yes! Invite it into your life. This is an important step.

After all , when you heard, “That will never happen,” and “They always make it impossible to __________________.” fill-in the blank. You became temporarily hard-of- hearing and went about your everyday creative day.

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Creativity Mon, 25 Nov 2019 01:19:00 +0000 Imagination is the idea, creativity takes the idea and makes it tangible, real in this world.

Dr. Jung created the term, active imagination, as the process of making one’s subjective psyche objective.—that is, making the unconscious tangible in terms of images, voices, and inner experiences—so that it can manifest in ways we can more easily understand.

Manifesting is creating. Pretend you are a magician or an avatar from another planet. Do whatever it takes to realize you are a creative being. If that sounds strange, keep subscribing. I have ways to open your imagination and your ability to create.

How to deal with a problem or situation creatively.

Define the problem by looking at it from the Front, then turn it around and start from an Imagined Solution and work backwards to the beginning where you are right now. Seeing your problem from a different angle, from the sides or upside down means to bring in other elements that may flip it upside down for you. Another element like a spatula (pancake filler) or a carnival ride. Flip it on its head. I say, get a brand new mindset about your problem.

Einstein said “You cant solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”

If you feel put-off or insulted by Mr. Einstein’s statement realize a statement I heard last year. “You can be right or you can grow into more ease and freedom.” author unknown

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Alterations Mon, 16 Sep 2019 02:33:37 +0000 Watching the movie Silverado I resonated with the part of Stella when she said, “The world is what you make of it, my friend. If it doesn’t fit, you make alterations.”

Not everyone thinks they can affect life. Going through the public school system with its polar right and wrong answers and no in-between, the commonly programmed emotional response is to shy away from affecting anything.

You know how this applies to you or to someone you know.

You have an imagination, that you do know! But do you know that no one else needs to know. You can imagine the opposite of your actual reality. You can imagine yourself in a totally different space and even a different time. You are able to imagine anything. Given time, this muscle, if I may call it a muscle, will strengthen. You can get very good at imagining things or places to calm you and comfort you. Remember: No one knows what you’re thinking. And no one needs to know. Comments like, “What are you smiling about?” can be diverted with “Oh, nothing.” Don’t let on that you have a secret or they will tease it out of you. Your imagined world is YOUR OWN.

With your imagination you can make alterations if reality doesn’t fit well.

Search my blogs to find Creating Your Own Reality, (How to instructions).

First comes Imagination, then comes Creativity. Creativity is the hands-on making of what you have imagined. You can create your own reality. Follow the steps on how to do it, don’t skip or alter any of the steps. Doing so will disconnect you from your ability to create in this way.

Darling one, you are one very powerful creator in your own life. Once realized you can do anything. Simply research it, then decide if you want to follow through.

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