Children – PASHA'S Salon Imagine Offering Them Lasting Change! Sat, 23 Oct 2021 16:46:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Children – PASHA'S Salon 32 32 The Line Sun, 21 Jun 2020 03:50:44 +0000 In this world, we have people, animals and plants, . . . insects, (oh, let’s skip by them).

Scientists have long been telling us that animals and plants are subordinate to us in self-awareness and the ability to feel satisfied. Not true. Some of you know where I may be going with this. But no, that is for another blog post.

Today, I am determined to write a special blog for fathers. Happy Father’s Day, to all you daddies. 

You know if you offend your dog, your cat, bird, or mistreat your plants they wither, they retreat.

So it is also with humans. We know nasty treatment comes in many forms. I know, you know you need to end it with your generation, now.

I say this fully intending to help. I pray I come across without judgement. If you feel judged, know I do my best not to judge.

On this Father’s Day dear dads, please be aware of The Line. The Line is not be be crossed. Every living thing has a line to stay within. When you cross it, you trigger that withering response, that retreat. 

Dad’s, you have everything a person can have in life. You have a family. That’s huge. It requires you trade your old life for a new life. A life of being good to your partner and children. Having a family is unlike anything else on Earth. You get what you give.

The plants do it right. Just look out over a field, . . . my empty lot next door.  Animals do it right. Watch the Animal Channel or read Nature, the magazine, The Sierra Club Magazine or Nature Conservatory. For more inside information read Peter Wohlleben’s books.

Get into it. Not only for your own sake, but also, for the reputation of Men. It seems someone, somewhere, worldwide, gave men the permission to slack-off. Not you, of course, but far too many men are sitting in easy chairs while their full-time working/at-home working partner does everything for them. Who died and made you KING. Gee whiz. Your partner does not want to have to ask you to participate in the life you created together. You need to get up and volunteer to help create and maintain it.

So much can be said, communicated in a kind and loving way. When an attitude changes and a positive, loving spin is applied to everything you say, it grows like the lawn you trim throughout the Summer. Ask for appreciation after you have given it. Then, watch how easily you get the appreciation returned to you. The respect and appreciation you deserve after your performance. Like your event, or your position on the field, you have a grand play as Dad.


Every living thing has

a line you do not cross.

Your sensitivity is your strength.

Kindness is your tool.

The ball is in your hands.

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Only Value WHAT? Fri, 18 Oct 2019 17:08:38 +0000 In a world of ordinary people living ordinary lives there are some people who have found gold. They appear the same as the rest of us except for one important difference. They value love above all other things.

Love is often unnoticed. Invisible, it has a bad reputation for being fickle. When people are not valued, when they lose at love, the real lovers among us often coach themselves to “take-it-in-stride.” They courageously struggle and strive to keep their hearts open believing love will find a way. It always finds a way.

When two people try to love one another, its marvelous as long as they can forget about who they are. Forget about taking a position, taking a stand in comparison to _____________(you fill-in the blank). People do throw up blocks to it. Love doesn’t need you to know who you are. It needs you to feel. It needs you to want to be loved.

It’s not a commodity. It cannot be measured, its priceless having a whole lot to do with your personal growth.  It tends not to be viewed as valuable when it comes in the form of a clean house, care for children, care for pets, clean clothes, a beautiful garden, a balanced home budget and a home-cooked meal. Why is this the case? And what about a fresh attitude for: 

“so glad you’re home . . .  with a hug and kiss.”

When a person takes on the lover/caretaker roll full-time or part-time, why are these tasks not considered a valuable part of life?

Around the world, caretakers often feel undervalued.  Not gender-specific they graciously carry gauntlets accepting the time and effort and considerable personal sacrifice it takes to create a loving home. They are intelligent caring people. They could be doing a lot of other things with their life. You know, time is a non-renewable resource. 

The lucky one’s are the recipients of the care given by their lover/caretakers. They’re lucky to  know they have gold waiting for them at home. They know their home is full of love and they treasure the source of that love. The source is that beautiful person who keeps it going on day after day. 

Now that’s putting value in the right place.

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