Possibilities in Mirrors

Imagine a kaleidoscope. Using it limits all distractions because of looking into a tube to see whats there., focusing our attention.  We twist the outside…

Imagine a kaleidoscope. Using it limits all distractions because of looking into a tube to see whats there., focusing our attention.  We twist the outside tube to control the viewing of a regular symmetrical pattern which is ever-changing due to one or more objects reflected by mirrors as we move it for a different view.


Think about this? In control and focused on an ever-changing view all done by mirrors. Could this be helpful as a tool for de-stressing, for expanding our possibilities? Sure it can, why not?

Even for a short time, it feels good to be IN CONTROL.

Even for a short time, seeing reality reflected in patterns that change, and change and change. We can aim the kaleidoscope at a recognizable object or just one or more colors.

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Imagine having a problem to solve. Imagine having a kaleidoscope tool to multiply things you recognize, or to expand into color and pattern. Colors of people, patterns of thought.

Oh, the possibilities, the multiplicity of it all.  Now, how do you feel?

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