Not Just Any Old Piece of Art
Art is like a conversation. Its has give and take, talking and listening. It needs two, you and the Art. Perhaps you’ve said, . ….
Art is like a conversation. Its has give and take, talking and listening. It needs two, you and the Art.
Perhaps you’ve said, . . . I don’t like Art, I can’t appreciate Art, I know nothing about Art, I don’t understand Art.
Plain and simple, Art is about its impact on you. How it affects your feelings and emotions. What it reminds you of, the memory of something. It allows you an opportunity to dream of a time in your past, or maybe even still to come in your future, when you could feel ____________________, fill in the blank.
That blank is what Art is to you, any one painting, photograph, performance art piece, sculpture, film, play, graphic design, music. It is what it is to YOU. And that MEANING is what makes it Art.
Know: It’s a secret you can choose to share, or not to share.

YOUR CHOICE. You’ve got the power to feel and appreciate, (not to understand with logic), only to find that everlovin’ feeling that wells up inside. To the degree that it affects you is the degree to which that Art is good Art.
Its been said there are two kinds of music, . . . good and bad. See what I mean?
Just remember, when someone experiences a work of Art with you and they ask what you think or did you like it, . . . its a secret you can choose to keep to yourself.