Hero – Ego

HERO . . . EGO . . . HERO . . . EGO . . . HERO . . . EGO . . . HERO…

HERO . . . EGO . . . HERO . . . EGO . . . HERO . . . EGO . . . HERO . . . EGO

A basic need of males is to be a hero, yet, females don’t want to deal with his Ego?

Lets play with the words. To me life needs to be fun, even with due respect to this subject.

How does Ego turn into Hero?

Step One: Keep the vowels, they have energy, let’s keep them in reserve.

Step Two: Give away the “g” to God or Dog depending on your perspective.

Step Three:  Add an “r” for real, the reality we must face

Step Four: Let’s add an “h” for human, . . . not insect, not any four-legged animal with a small brain.

We are smart, right? We know how to get our needs met. At the very least we can get our basic needs met, which are waiting to be met. We want to be happy. It’s within our grasp.

Happiness is tied to having something to-look forward-to, . . . anticipation.

It’s simple. You have a bottomless abyss of things to anticipate, there in your gut.

If you don’t, contact me. I will show you how you do have this . . . already.

Back to our egotistical Hero. Think of a circle . . . so much is circular. When he sees you anticipating a brighter much better future, he will use his undeniable need to be a hero to assist you. Play at appreciating his contributions and the circle (cycle) will be complete. One more step, and here’s the kicker, appreciate whatever he has to contribute as the key to his adoration of you and your life together. You are not stroking his ego, you’re stroking continual happiness.IMG_0209

If you can see this as a circle of chances to project happiness into your future with opportunities that arise around you, after a while of being with those circles, you will notice an upward momentum, like a spiral, propelling the two of you upward.

This is how the two of you will reach a higher love.

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