Gossip and the Mind/Heart Connection

You have love in your heart. Somewhere inside, when you are still without distractions of any kind. That calm enables a connection from your mind…

You have love in your heart. Somewhere inside, when you are still without distractions of any kind. That calm enables a connection from your mind to your heart. Then a realization takes over, a feeling of overwhelming love like a slow motion wave welled up and curling over you head to toe.

This love is a reality that can keep you on-track with your life. Don’t be afraid of it feeling good. Let it be and it will grow. Meanwhile you will see folks react differently toward you. If they are positive . . .  soak it in. If they are negative realize they still need to connect to their heart. So be kind in the face of what is not kind. And remove yourself as soon as possible.

They will talk.  It’s a necessary human endeavour of society. According to the experts (ask me who if you’re interested) we as human beings need to communicate the state of other human beings in order to know what’s going on around us. This is valuable for our safety.  What is not valuable is negative gossip.

You all know people who do it, when you yourself have done it, and how it feels when you are the topic of it. It hurts. Let’s move away from this.

Another value of a mind-heart connection is the inability to hurt anyone. So make the connection. It is the single best thing you can do for yourself.

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    1. My use of the word “salon” goes back to the 19th Century when it was the name for the first and formal room of every home. It was the room used for receiving new people, often dignitaries – prominent people in the community. These people where doing much for the community and met to chat about how to be more effective. It was an in-person Tweet or FaceBook comment about society. I hope you got the right idea from my blog post. Much appreciation for your comment. Pasha
      For further information see pashacoach.com

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