Getting and Keeping an Unforgettable First Impression

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The importance of making a good first impression is well known. Here is how to prepare for it so that your are unforgettable.

  1.  Clean hair, face, clothes. No wrinkles to your clothes and for the best impression, shine your shoes. It may seem old-fashioned, but it works wonders.
  2. Give yourself a manicure and a haircut.
  3. Clean teeth and fresh breath. Carry mouthwash in your car.
  4. Stand, walk and sit with straight posture. Stand against a wall with your heels up against the wall. Gently direct your butt, shoulders and head against the wall. Stand there for the count of 30 seconds. Walk away holding that pose. That is straight posture.
  5. Use a calm, grounded and centered voice when you speak. Smile. When something is funny don’t laugh too loud.
  6. Use all the common courtesies.  Please, thank you, may I, your first, etc. Open doors for both men and women.
  7. Don’t volunteer to do anything you will not absolutely do within 24 hours or the appropriate time frame.
  8. Getting this right sets the course of the rest of the relationship. You’ve got this!

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