Freeze This Day

Christmas Day is so special in each way for each person. Just as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice and New Years. They are days to STOP…

Christmas Day is so special in each way for each person. Just as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice and New Years. They are days to STOP the hustle, the hassle and the rat race. I for one feel more myself when I don’t have to think of getting ahead financially. When there is a reason for my relatives to visit, all at the same time.

Even if for just one day.

Classical Music stations are filled with stories of the Nutcracker, playing music by orchestras from many parts of the world. This year here in the Midwest, we have a whole lot of white snow to add to the feeling of Christmas. Wikipedia reports the composer Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky was educated as a civil servant. But there certainly was more inside of him to express to the world. Because of his courage to let it come out from deep inside, we have most famously, The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, Marche Slave, along with his piano and violin concertos, six numbered symphonies and his operas, The Queen of Spades and Eugene Onegin, to name a few. Thank you Mr. Tchaikovsky. Is this the perfect harmony we are meant to live in?

Vince Gill, Jenny Gill and Marty Paich wrote, Let There Be Peace On Earth.

Today people are kind in a way I wish would happen everyday. There is no rush through the day. I feel a prolonged pause through each moment wishing it would never end. If I were asked to sum up the main message in my reading this year, I would say that the magic is in the moment. It needs nothing from us but our open mind and heart and to view each person as a brother or a sister.



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