Every Child Deserves to Be a Child

Today Malala Yousafzai is on the cover of Vogue Magazine speaking for the education of women in Pakistan. You may have heard of her as…

Today Malala Yousafzai is on the cover of Vogue Magazine speaking for the education of women in Pakistan. You may have heard of her as that girl who was shot in the face for wanting an education, seemingly a big threat to the system in her country.

She is the youngest person to be granted the Nobel Prize which she shares with Kailash Satyarthi, India’s lifelong social reformer who has many campaigns agains child labor in India. He advocates for the universal right to education.

He has many videos on YouTube, including his Nobel Prize acceptance speech. Some of the other videos must come with a warning. You will be shaken to your soul. Human trafficing is at an all time high! Why?


Those among us who are so lucky to have our children grow up without this threat can use our thoughts to help this cause. Where would we be without our education?

I have talked about the power of our thoughts. Since we are here in our non-threatened lives, we can ask our higher power to give more power to the work of this man. He has saved 87,000 children from slavery. His best friend was murdered in the process. It is them against the Mafia.

“The solution lies within the womb of the problem.” Kailash Satyarthi

I agree. He is now in my thoughts as an example of how powerful we are as human beings.



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