cate 1 – PASHA'S Salon Imagine Offering Them Lasting Change! Sat, 02 Jul 2022 08:24:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cate 1 – PASHA'S Salon 32 32 Peace of Mind at Your Fingertips Mon, 11 Oct 2021 14:42:13 +0000 I have a gift for you. It is a one page exercise, easily done in the moment you desire to regain your Peace of Mind.

Email me:

And I will reply with the pdf.

Peace of mind is one of the most precious things on earth. It is the key to everything else you can think, do, achieve.

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Maintaining an Ocean of Confidence Mon, 11 Oct 2021 14:40:28 +0000 Sed molestie varius dolor, at accumsan neque porttitor vitae. Aenean ac rutrum dui. Donec rhoncus nibh a justo euismod maximus. Etiam id nunc ac elit placerat aliquam. Suspendisse at diam magna. Curabitur eget justo eget diam feugiat ornare semper ac tortor. Mauris imperdiet ligula eros, ac sollicitudin mi accumsan sed. Quisque congue cursus porta

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Using Your Voice to Open Doors Mon, 11 Oct 2021 14:39:01 +0000 Today, right now, write down on paper or record in your phone 5 words to describe yourself.

Did “energetic being” make the list?  I bet ‘energetic being’ did not make it to your top five. But the truth is that we all exhibit, and are made of, electromagnetic energy. Every sound you hear is in sound waves hitting your eardrums. With this in mind, the level of intensity you use to present your words, to describe yourself and the people around you matters!

If you use joyful language and a joyful tone, that is the energy you are putting out into the room and your interactions with others. Relate this to how you go out into the world and have your voice heard. This dramatically affects your impact on the world. For more on this subject consider my 6 week series: Program Your Life. Inquire at:

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Finding Your Inner Strength Mon, 11 Oct 2021 13:44:08 +0000 What comes to mind when you think about the word ‘passion’?  It’s often defined as a ‘strong and barely controllable emotion.’  Strong, yes. But barely controllable? I think that’s debatable.  Instead, when I speak about passion, I’m referring to the thing that pulls you towards what you want with enthusiasm and excitement.

Passion is what makes you get up early, stay up late, and muster up the determination that drives you to get things done and achieve what you’re out to do.  It makes you go, no matter what. “I’m going to do this.”  If money or time were no object, you’d pursue your passion more and more.

Passion is just an emotion, and like every other emotion, it can be generated. So, how can you create passion?  More on this in my 6 week series: Program Your LIfe. Inquire at:

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Getting and Keeping an Unforgettable First Impression Mon, 11 Oct 2021 13:42:32 +0000 The importance of making a good first impression is well known. Here is how to prepare for it so that your are unforgettable.

  1.  Clean hair, face, clothes. No wrinkles to your clothes and for the best impression, shine your shoes. It may seem old-fashioned, but it works wonders.
  2. Give yourself a manicure and a haircut.
  3. Clean teeth and fresh breath. Carry mouthwash in your car.
  4. Stand, walk and sit with straight posture. Stand against a wall with your heels up against the wall. Gently direct your butt, shoulders and head against the wall. Stand there for the count of 30 seconds. Walk away holding that pose. That is straight posture.
  5. Use a calm, grounded and centered voice when you speak. Smile. When something is funny don’t laugh too loud.
  6. Use all the common courtesies.  Please, thank you, may I, your first, etc. Open doors for both men and women.
  7. Don’t volunteer to do anything you will not absolutely do within 24 hours or the appropriate time frame.
  8. Getting this right sets the course of the rest of the relationship. You’ve got this!
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How to recognize the elements of the future you desire Mon, 11 Oct 2021 13:38:55 +0000 The future is teaming with possibilities. Seriously, you can have anything you desire. Emphasis on DESIRE.

We all have circumstances in the way of what we desire. Getting around these circumstances are the makings of a much stronger character who is there inside of you.  When you align yourself with your dreams and you desire that dream everyday, sometimes many times a day; the Universe will shift to give you more and more of your dream. Many people know this process and benefit from it. Gratitude is an important step. 

For a clear definition on how this process works reference our book, Tapping Into The Power of Your Intuition.  Also get the chart from the book with a coaching session from me on how to use it well by going to:

You’ve got this!  Remember: YOU CREATE EVERY DAY.

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