About Pasha
How Pasha developed:
Formal Education: Dearborn High School 1972, MSU 1979, The Laguna Beach School of Art 1985, Wayne State University 1995
School of Life: Michigan’s Mom Sewing Services 1978-2019,
California Certified Massage Therapist 1982-1987,
Certified Speaker, Trainer and Coach with The John Maxwell Team 2019 to present,
The Brain Revolution 2021
Charities: The Sierra Club 1980-present, The World Wildlife Federation 2006-present, The Humane Society 2018-present, The Women’s Council of Washtenaw County 2005-2018, The National Association of University Women 2004-2016
Mentors and Contributors: Fred Cotterman, Charlie Williamson, John Maxwell, Paul Martinelli, Roddy and Susan Galbraith, Krishna Mohan, Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Joseph McClendon III

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