Pirello’s Glow

Christina Pirello cured herself of Leukemia as many others have through diet and food choices that support the healthy functions of the body. She hosts…

Christina Pirello cured herself of Leukemia as many others have through diet and food choices that support the healthy functions of the body. She hosts an Emmy award-winning show, Christina Cooks, and is the author of books on cooking and eating whole foods. In her book, GLOW, A Prescription for Radiant Health and Beauty, she admits to a lifestyle of research on our connection to food and to nature. We have this in common in addition to her advocating folks be self-governed and to reclaim their heritage.

Here is the rub, as Pirello explains it.

“As we have grown more detached from nature, we have grown more detached from our intuitive knowledge about making peace with our environment. Living in harmony with our surroundings has become little more than a cliche that we bandy about without understanding what it means, or how good it feels to actually live that way” Glow, page145.

Also, “We live in a time when every self-proclaimed expert under the sun wants to tell you what’s best for you. The reason we grow more confused is that there is only one expert in life: YOU. The advice offered by experts can be sound and thoughtful but the wise person will f i l t e r the information through their brain and apply to his or her life that which is appropriate.

GET THIS BOOK – https://www.amazon.com/s?k=glow+christina+pirello&crid

Its so close to the direction of my own work.


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