Finding Your Inner Strength

Sed molestie varius dolor, at accumsan neque porttitor vitae

What comes to mind when you think about the word ‘passion’?  It’s often defined as a ‘strong and barely controllable emotion.’  Strong, yes. But barely controllable? I think that’s debatable.  Instead, when I speak about passion, I’m referring to the thing that pulls you towards what you want with enthusiasm and excitement.

Passion is what makes you get up early, stay up late, and muster up the determination that drives you to get things done and achieve what you’re out to do.  It makes you go, no matter what. “I’m going to do this.”  If money or time were no object, you’d pursue your passion more and more.

Passion is just an emotion, and like every other emotion, it can be generated. So, how can you create passion?  More on this in my 6 week series: Program Your LIfe. Inquire at:

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