Dreams Turn Into Reality

I have lived for 6 decades. In that time I have had day dreams or visions of situations in life that were very different from present day reality.  I dismissed these day dreams as part of my overly creative and active imagination.

I have lived for 6 decades. In that time I have had day dreams or visions of situations in life that were very different from present day reality.  I dismissed these day dreams as part of my overly creative and active imagination. The rub:  these day dream scenarios are systematically becoming true reality. I am being blown-away about this. Let me give you two potent examples.

I imagined Buffalo roaming free as they did before America was discovered. When the indigenous people where in balance with Mother Earth. In 1970, this was an illustion.

Today I read in my magazine, the National Wildlife Federation, that “in late 2020, ownership and management of the National Bison Range, in Montana, finally passed from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) to the land’s original caretakers.”

“For tribal members the snow feels a bit warmer, and the hills, covered by clusters of evergreens, seem more poetic . . . it has been a long journey, but the Indian people, who say they are one and the same with the bison, are back caring for the land and its animals.”

Another example:

When I was getting my degree at Michigan State University I was focused on art and textiles of native, indigenous peoples, particularly in Africa and Japan. Industrialization has all but buried the arts and crafts of many ethnic groups. I have dreamed of their resurrection.

Several days ago I heard this recorded program on WEMU out of Eastern Michigan University. The show is Creative Impact with Deb Polich. This particular show was Discovering The Ancient Art And Craft of Oman Becomes a Lifetime Passion. 

It become a lifetime passion for Marcia Stegath Dorr, a UofM Grad and an example to us all.  A fire was lit when she saw the natives high level of art/craft being exploited by merchants buying them for a dime and selling them for $10.  The short version of Marchia’s journey first took her to the United Nations in 1990. Then to the Consultant to Omani-American Joint Commission, on up to developing an artisans’ marketing organization in Oman, onto the Advisor of Oman Ministry of Tourism: Dicertorate of Historical Sites Development, then in 2018 to the British Museum/Royal Ontario Museum/Oman National Museum Project. Most recently an producer in Paris, France as stepped forward to make a film to go with the museum’s presentation.

When you find your passion, hold onto it, follow it to its end. It will take to your ability to heal a wrong. The goodness and love in these two stories has me humbled out.

Let me know your thoughts.

National Wildlife, August-September Issue, p. 22-27. NWF.ORG/NW

Creative Impact, WEMU, David Fair and Deb Polich 07/27/21


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