Yielding the Sword

It cuts right through everything possible. The wide and wonderful field of what has yet to happen just moments ahead, gets stopped in mid-air. It…

It cuts right through everything possible. The wide and wonderful field of what has yet to happen just moments ahead, gets stopped in mid-air. It feels like a brick wall. It’s not fair or equitable. it’s the phase, “That will never happen.”

Dearest, let me enlighten this scenario. Nothing is never. Saying that something will never happen is irrelevant. As sure as the grass grows, change is constantly present.

Don’t ask why people say, “It will never happen.” Asking why, messes with your true nature. “It will never happen,” comes from a scarcity mindset . (scar-city).

It is better to ask What? What can you do, what is going on here, what is possible.

Never has a co-conspirator by the name of Always. You may hear, “It’s always that way; or, “They are always going to do that.” Same scenario. Nothing is Always, just as nothing is Never. When you enter the field of possibilities, what is possible is just around the corner. Your idea gains momentum with focus and attention. In other words, when you focus on a thought and pay attention to your surroundings you give your idea momentum (energy and increasing power) to be.


Remember: UCREATEveryday. When you see your idea become reality, see it flashing across your awareness, . . . say yes! Invite it into your life. This is an important step.

After all , when you heard, “That will never happen,” and “They always make it impossible to __________________.” fill-in the blank. You became temporarily hard-of- hearing and went about your everyday creative day.

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