Reversible First Impressions?

With your permission folks, I wish to revisit the subject of making a good first impression. Ways to proactively improve your irreversible first impression. Recently…

With your permission folks, I wish to revisit the subject of making a good first impression. Ways to proactively improve your irreversible first impression. Recently I have learned there is a way to reverse an undesirable first impression, but that’s a lot of backstroking. Do you love to kowtow? Probably not.

You certainly have enough information about creams and boxed face-lifts. Rather than topical, this information is practical and scientific. The book entitled, GLOW, does a great job of explaining the difference between your Constitution and your Condition.

Inside GLOW, Christina Pirello says, “Our constitution is determined before birth, by familial characteristics, ancestry, the environment of our mother and her food choices during our embryonic development. “

“Our condition is created on a daily basis. The texture of our skin and hair, the health of our nails, our weight, posture, stance, complexion, are all determined by our daily choices, with food being one of the most influential.”

I’ve had not one, but two major health challenges both of them curable by perfecting my diet (combinations and frequency of food) and the quality of my food (fresh vs. ‘you-know-what’) In my early 20’s I had hypoglycemia and later in my 40’s I had Ulcerative Colitis. Besides finding the right foods I also had to change how I responded to stress. Getting as upset as I used to get, not only upset others, it hurts ME directly and then I had to recover. Those unsuspecting recipients of my loud outbursts moved further away from me. To heal this I gave myself what I needed. Now I judge whats best for me by what peace it brings and how it connects to my heart. I am keeping the fulfiling things in life, whether or not it makes sense to anyone else and leaving the rest behind.

For more information, scroll back to see my blog: Boredom.

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