To Whom Much is Expected

Woman have it going on. Men know it. Men are not the leaders they hope to be without a strong woman beside them. As women…

Woman have it going on. Men know it. Men are not the leaders they hope to be without a strong woman beside them. As women we are gifted due to our ability to give birth. Its miraculous. 

Because of this phenomenon of having the right equipment for giving birth, women are tuned into everything children will experience from conception to end of life, past our expected lifetimes. We want the air and water to be clean, we want green leaves and every societal, sociological and political opportunity to be positive for our child. We think in this way ALL THE TIME. We get frustrated when someone acts in the contrary.

We, as women have all the FULL OF LIFE benefits. Men are there with nothing to do by comparison so they most often play games of all sorts, sports games to game of war. And War is the most upsetting to women for the sake of their children. 

This is the very reason why woman need to get together with other women and discuss, plan and organize how to make the world better for our children and our children’s children. We have been given the precious gift of childbearing body parts. To quote President Kennedy when he spoke of his own Father’s advice: 

“To Whom Much is Given, Much Is Expected.”

This perspective on life was illustrated to me by a man at a seminar entitled. “Women, Sex and Power.” Justin Sterling suggested that Women get together regularly and light candles to allow the flame to transform our frustrations into creative energy for positive change.

 I agree. What do you think?


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