Get your twenty-minute
FREE focus-on-you
All you need is a device able to make video calls, like Skype, so we can see each other. I will also ask for your name and a valid email address. I won’t share one bit of your info with anyone else.
Get your twenty-minute
FREE focus-on-you
All you need is a device able to make video calls, like Skype, so we can see each other. I will also ask for your name and a valid email address. I won’t share one bit of your info with anyone else.
Do you know someone who is minimized, underdeveloped or stuck where they are?
Imagine offering them lasting change!
Starting with your brain health we review your exposure to head trauma, toxins, GMOs, and excessive stress.
- Know and heal the brain symptoms that run your life.
- Have a new “operating system” for your thoughts.
- BRIGHT MINDS Risk Factors & Optimization Strategies.
- Brain Healthy foods, supplements
- Top Clinical Research, Amen University Courses

Pasha supports a number of charities that benefit women, children and our natural environment.
You may choose to go further.
This better form of yourself will allow you to experience a rise of your Spirit. This video shows where you can go from here
With the every day use of your awareness, imagination, intuition and creativity, is felt a power that creates the reality of your choosing and leaves a legacy story as you flow through life.
It will take a lifetime to explore all aspects of who you are. My tools give you ways to fast-forward to all the good stuff. Even the highly emotional stuff will feel thrilling with the right tools in place.
How to recognize the elements of the future you desire
Getting and Keeping an Unforgettable First Impression
Finding Your Inner Strength
Using Your Voice to Open Doors
Maintaining an Ocean of Confidence
Peace of Mind at Your Fingertips

How does one become Radiant?
As you know, material bodies move around in space with a certain energy propelling their movement. Even standing still, a body vibrates with energy.
Emanating from your heart, with a clear channel of energy, the love in your heart radiates out into the world, drawing to you Your Heart’s Desire. My coaching helps remove the obstacles from this channel of energy. It exists already, it’s spinning and vibrating and wanting to spiral out and up. The obstacles were learned and can be unlearned. Its a matter of setting yourself free.
These steps will allow you to feel confident to open the doors to your heart and receive the love you need. Learn to use your Imagination and Intuition with purpose to transform your love and work life.
Body Awareness like Never Before
What to Say (Scripts)
Keeping Track of Love (Tracking)
Looking at Yourself (Feeling Messages)
Being Radiant
(Your Reward)
Scheduled Coaching Sessions
Don’t be shy. A video call is essential so we can see each other’s reactions.
NOTE: I do not give medical, psychiatric or legal advice.
Sessions are in 30/60/90-minute blocks. Simply click the button below to get started.
What is a Salon?
Pasha’s Salons are small group of people meeting in person or online to discuss the Creative Arts, Current Affairs and World Philosophies to dispel the differences between us.
They are patterned after Gertrude Stein’s salon in Paris in the 1920s, reimagined for the 21st century
Get What You Truly Want In Life . . . Be Radiant.

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All rights reserved © Pasha Salon 2021